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时间:2021-12-14     作者:何晓娜【原创】



 Hanane Thamik(HeXiaoNa) ( Morocco)

  我的中文名字叫何晓娜。目前是一名博士,武汉大学信息管理学院学者,同时也是CGTN非洲与非中评论和加拿大杂志(Etats de splendeur)作者。我被选为2020年中阿合作论坛第九届部长级会议青年代表、长江周刊武汉宣传大使、2020年摩洛哥青年代表(FOCAC,中国外交部)。我还获得了2019年“一带一路”旅游大使奖、2018年中国优秀非洲学生奖、联合国教科文组织文化成就奖、2019年武汉大学优秀留学生奖、茅台奖学金、 2020年国际学生抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎优秀个人,是2020年“感知中国——我们的抗疫故事”征文比赛(国家留学基金管理委员会)唯一摩洛哥获奖者,最近获得2020中国政府优秀来华留学生(国家留学基金管理委员会)。我作为全球成功的 54 名年轻人之一,被选中参加 2019 年联合国在瑞士组织的培训计划。我提到的这些荣誉和奖励,不是为了宣扬自己,而是想说明我来到中国后的成长过程,说明我在共建“一带一路”倡议下不断努力的历程。

  My Chinese name is He Xiao Na. I'm currently a Ph.D. scholar at the School of Information Management, Wuhan University, simultaneously the author of CGTN Africa and Africa-China Review and the Canadian magazine ( Etats de splendor ). I was chosen as a youth participant in the 9th Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum 2020, the Ambassador of Wuhan City to the world by Changjiang Weekly Magazine, and the Moroccan Youth Representative 2020 (FOCAC, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs). I also won the awards of the Belt and Road Tourism ambassador 2019, the Outstanding African Student in China 2018, the Cultural Achievement Award by UNESCO, the Wuhan University Outstanding International Students award 2019, the Maotai scholarship "Excellent academic performance and outstanding overall performance," the Outstanding individual among international students fighting novel coronavirus pneumonia 2020, the only Moroccan winner of the essay contest named "experience China -our anti-epidemic story" 2020 (China Scholarship Council),  and recently the Chinese Government Outstanding International Student in China 2020 ( China Scholarship Council ). I was also one of the successful 54 young people worldwide who has been selected to participate in a training program organized by the United Nations in Switzerland 2019. I mention these honors and awards not to promote myself but to illustrate my growth since I came to China and my continuous efforts under the Belt and Road Initiative.

  摩中友好交往源远流长。摩洛哥著名旅行家伊本·白图泰于14世纪踏上中国,对中华文明的壮丽表示惊叹。他在长达 29 年的广泛旅行结束时,著书讲述了他的冒险经历,用一整章来讲述他在中国的见闻。

  Morocco and China share a long history of friendly exchanges. The famous Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta set foot in China in the 14th century, expressing amazement at the grandeur of Chinese civilization. At the end of his extensive travels that lasted 29 years, Battuta narrated his adventures in a travel account, dedicating a whole chapter to his stay in China.

  摩中关系非常友好,1958年11月摩中正式建立外交关系,摩洛哥是非洲第二个与中华人民共和国建立外交关系的国家。2016 年,摩洛哥国王穆罕默德六世对中国进行国事访问,两国友好关系进一步加深。这是他在位期间第二次访问中国,在推动两国关系向前发展方面发挥了重要作用。中国帮助摩洛哥城市丹吉尔发展成为出口区,使旅游和文化等其他领域的业务也得到了发展。

  Morocco-China relationship is very friendly. November 1958, Morocco became only the second country in Africa to recognize the People's Republic of China, officially forming diplomatic relations. Ties deepened in 2016 when Morocco's King Mohammed VI made a state visit to China. It was the second such trip to China during his reign and major role in moving the relationship forward, helping open up a business in the development of the Moroccan city Tangier as an export zone but also in other sectors such as tourism and culture.


  Morocco-China relationship has steadily been developing, becoming close partners. The political, economic, and cultural exchanges and cooperation have made new progress and have been highly praised by many observers. African countries have widely supported and actively participated in China's Belt and Road Initiative. The belt and road initiative serves as a tool to achieve win-win results through cooperation and is observed as not attempting to fill a "vacuum." China sees African countries as economic partners rather than bringing them under its political influence as western powers do.


  Culturally, in 2008 China founded The Confucius Institute at the University of Mohammed V in Rabat. It was the culmination of bilateral cooperation between the University of Mohammed V and the Beijing International Studies University; teachings commenced in 2009. Some 1,500 Moroccans have learned the Chinese language in this institute. It plays a unique role in establishing a bridge between the two countries by holding Chinese language certificates and participating in the "Chinese Language Bridge" competition for Moroccan students at the university.


  The young scholars can play a crucial part in people-to-people exchanges among countries participating in Belt and Road building. There is a necessity to offer them a long-term platform for the exchange of opinions and to help them enhance their mutual understanding and friendship through dialogue and discussion; by doing so, more countries will be able to understand the significance of the Belt and Road Initiative in a more holistic manner. 


  I think that young people can deepen their understanding of the Belt and Road Initiative and then bring their insights back to their homes and help the locals know the initiative more objectively. 


  I believe the Belt and Road Initiative is like a vast ocean, and everybody can find opportunities that suit their needs. Those who own ocean-going ships go fishing in the deep sea, and those who live by the seaside dig shells and seek kelp, on one condition that we must work together to maintain an excellent ecological environment of the ocean.

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