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首页 >> 爱国 >>爱国动态 >> 联合国国际和平日系列活动:庆祝联合国成立79周年暨国际爱国公约组织联合国论坛在京举行


时间:2024-10-30     作者:李仕汇【原创】


Event for the UN International Day of Peace: Celebration of the 79th Anniversary of the UN and Forum of the International Patriotic Pact Organization Held in Beijing

北京,10月24日电(IPPO记者张华)2024年国际和平日主题活动:庆祝联合国成立79周年暨国际爱国公约组织论坛今日在京举行。本次活动由国际爱国公约组织陕西省爱国主义志愿者协会主办,陕西爱国实业有限公司特别支持承办。Beijing, October 24 (Reporter Zhang Hua of IPPO). Event for the 2024 International Day of Peace: For the 79th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and International Patriotic Pact Organization Forum (IPPO) was held in Beijing today. This event is hosted by Shaanxi Patriotic Volunteer Association guided by IPPO and specially supported and undertaken by Shaanxi Patriotic Industrial Co., Ltd.


会议现场 杨大路 摄/Photo of the conference site by Yang Dalu

今年的国际和平日主题为“培养和平文化”,旨在促进全球停火和非暴力,实现和平与稳定。活动选择在10月24日联合国日举行,以庆祝联合国成立79周年,并借此机会向世界展示国际爱国公约组织和国际爱国公约倡议对世界和平的向往和期盼。The theme of this year's International Day of Peace is "Cultivating a Culture of Peace", aiming to promote global ceasefires and non-violence and achieve peace and stability. The event is held on October 24, United Nations Day, to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations and take this opportunity to show the world the aspiration and expectation of IPPO and the International Patriotic Pact Initiative for world peace.


崔国卫介绍IPPO发展近况 杨大路 摄/"Cui Guowei introduces the recent developments of IPPO. Photo by Yang Dalu."

论坛开幕式上,主持人对与会嘉宾表示热烈欢迎,并介绍了活动的背景和意义。随后,国际爱国公约组织主席、陕西省爱国主义志愿者协会会长崔国卫先生发表主旨演讲。他回顾了协会的发展历程,从2014年成立至今,协会已成长为具有影响力的国际组织,在国际舞台上发出了中国爱国主义志愿者的声音。At the opening ceremony of the forum, the host warmly welcomed the attending guests and introduced the background and significance of the event. Subsequently, Mr. Cui Guowei, the chairman of the International Patriotic Pact Organization and the president of the Shaanxi Patriotic Volunteer Association, delivered a keynote speech. He reviewed the development process of the association. Since its establishment in 2014, the association has grown into an influential international organization and has made the voice of Chinese patriotic volunteers heard on the international stage.


尼日利亚驻华大使馆公使衔参赞Patrick Ebi Jimmy先生发表演讲 杨大路 摄
Mr. Patrick Ebi Jimmy, Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of Nigeria in China, delivered a speech. Photo by Yang Dalu.

崔国卫在演讲中强调,“热爱自己的国家,不能损害他国利益”是国际爱国公约组织的核心理念。他提到,自2022年9月在联合国人权理事会上提出国际爱国公约倡议,并成立国际爱国公约组织以来,国际爱国公约组织已得到来自45个国家的130多个非政府组织的签约支持,为推动国际爱国公约倡议和全球和平与发展做出了积极贡献。In his speech, Cui Guowei emphasized that "loving our own country, cannot sacrificie the interests of other countries" is the core concept of IPPO. He mentioned that since the International Patriotic Pact Initiative was proposed at the United Nations Human Rights Council in September 2022 and IPPO was established, IPPO has received the signed support of more than 130 non-governmental organizations from 45 countries, making positive contributions to promoting the International Patriotic Pact Initiative and global peace and development.

xw_莱索托驻华使馆公参Tumelo T.L. Moseme_BBB1839.jpg

莱索托驻华使馆公参Tumelo T.L. Moseme
Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of Lesotho in China, Tumelo T.L. Moseme

论坛还邀请了尼日利亚、刚果金、莱索托、尼加拉瓜、萨尔瓦多等多国驻华使馆代表和各国国际爱国公约组织负责人参与并发表演讲。The forum also invited representatives of embassies of multiple countries such as Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lesotho, Nicaragua, and El Salvador and the heads of international patriotic pact organizations of various countries to participate and give speeches.

尼日利亚驻华大使馆公使衔参赞Patrick Ebi Jimmy先生在发言中强调了国际爱国理念在探索可持续发展与全球和平治理新路径中的作用。他认为,在新的全球格局下,各国应扩展爱国主义的概念,将对全球社会的承诺包括在内,以实现共同繁荣。Mr. Patrick Ebi Jimmy, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Nigeria in China, emphasized in his speech the role of the international patriotic concept in exploring new paths for sustainable development and global peace governance. He believes that in the new global landscape, countries should expand the concept of patriotism to include commitments to the global community in order to achieve common prosperity.

法国国际爱国公约组织发起人、欧亚文化研究院共同创始人Emmanuel Desfourneaux先生强调不同文明之间的对话是和平文化的源泉,肯定了中国在推动文明交流互鉴方面的努力。复旦大学中国研究院副研究员刘典则从国际视野出发,探讨了爱国情怀与人工智能全球治理的关系,强调了开放包容和合作共赢的重要性。马其顿国际爱国公约发起人Renata Penchova女士呼吁建立长期审议机制,确保各国在追求自身发展的同时不损害他国利益。Mr. Emmanuel Desfourneaux, the initiator of IPPO in France and co-founder of the Eurasian Cultural Research Institute, emphasized that dialogue between different civilizations is the source of a culture of peace and affirmed China's efforts in promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Liu Dian, an associate researcher at the China Institute of Fudan University, discussed the relationship between patriotic sentiment and global governance of artificial intelligence from an international perspective and emphasized the importance of openness, inclusiveness, and win-win cooperation. Ms. Renata Penchova, the initiator of the International Patriotic Pact in Macedonia, called for the establishment of a long-term review mechanism to ensure that countries do not sacrifice the interests of other countries while pursuing their own development.

此外,来自土耳其、法国、中国等地的多位专家学者也围绕国际爱国理念、可持续发展、全球治理等议题进行了深入探讨和交流。In addition, many experts and scholars from Turkey, France, China and other places also conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on topics such as the international patriotic concept, sustainable development, and global governance.

活动最后,崔国卫代表国际爱国公约组织向驻华使团代表和与会嘉宾颁发《国际爱国公约》发起人荣誉证书,并合影留念。At the end of the event, on behalf of IPPO, Cui Guowei presented honorary certificates for initiators of the International Patriotic Pact to representatives of diplomatic missions.


会后部分参会人员合影留念 杨大路 摄
Some participants took a group photo after the meeting. Photo by Yang Dalu.

本次论坛的成功举办,不仅展示了中国爱国主义志愿者在国际舞台上的积极形象,也为推动国际爱国公约倡议和全球和平与发展注入了新的动力。未来,国际爱国公约组织将继续携手各国爱国组织,共同探索可持续发展与全球治理的新路径,为构建人类命运共同体贡献力量。(文:李仕汇)The successful holding of this forum not only shows the positive image of Chinese patriotic volunteers on the international stage but also injects new impetus into promoting the International Patriotic Pact Initiative and global peace and development. In the future, the International Patriotic Pact Organization will continue to join hands with patriotic organizations of various countries to jointly explore new paths for sustainable development and global governance and contribute to building a community with a shared future for mankind. (By Li Shihui)

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