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首页 >> 公益 >>公益动态 >> 联合国人权理事会继续就促进和保护包括发展权在内的所有人权、公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利进行一般性辩论


时间:2022-03-18     作者:联合国人权理事会【转载】   来自:联合国人权理事会


AFTERNOON 17 March 2023


  The Human Rights Council this afternoon continued its general debate on agenda item three on the promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development.


  In the general debate, many speakers spoke of national efforts to promote and protect all human rights, while others pointed out shortcomings in a number of countries and regions. Many speakers said that despite progress, human rights remained under constant threat globally: in an increasingly interconnected world, collaborative efforts were crucial in order to harness the positive potential of new and emerging technologies. They offered a series of challenges and opportunities across a wide range of human rights issues, such as the need to protect privacy online, the need to combat cyberbullying, digital tools to prevent climate change, neurotechnology as an emerging frontier issue, and bridging the digital divide fairly and effectively. The principles that the international community committed to in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action must evolve to address these new operational challenges.


  Cultural rights were transformative and empowering, and therefore essential to the fulfilment of other human rights, which made them an indispensable part of the whole human rights system. Further, cultural rights should be seen as the bridge between civil and political rights, and economic and social rights. In fact, cultural rights protected the rights of people “to develop and express their humanity, their world view, and the meanings they give to their existence and their development”, through access to tangible and intangible cultural heritage. As such, they were a necessary component to ensure the right to development as envisioned by article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was crucial that all economic, social and cultural rights and civil and political rights be treated on an equal footing and in an equitable manner.

  文化权利具有变革性和赋权性,因此对实现其他人权至关重要,这使它们成为整个人权体系中不可或缺的一部分。此外,文化权利应被视为公民和政治权利以及经济和社会权利之间的桥梁。事实上,文化权利通过获取物质和非物质文化遗产,保护人们 "发展和表达他们的人性、他们的世界观以及他们赋予自己生存和发展的意义 "的权利。因此,它们是确保《世界人权宣言》第1条所设想的发展权的一个必要组成部分。至关重要的是,所有的经济、社会和文化权利以及公民和政治权利都要在平等的基础上公平对待。

  Some speakers said the Council needed to honour its mandate and take appropriate action, and stand up and establish independent investigative mechanisms to ensure that victims of human rights violations received accountability and justice. The full enjoyment of human rights would only be possible in the context of world progress. The gendered impact of aging impacted disproportionately on women’s rights in many countries: the inequalities that women endured during their lives affected their economic independence in old age, and their rights needed to be upheld, including their rights to housing. States should collect disaggregated data in order to determine the particular discriminations that women suffered.


  All human rights were universal, indivisible, inalienable, inter-dependent, and mutually-reinforcing. Some speakers said States retained inalienable sovereign rights to develop their legal systems, in line with their peculiarities and national circumstances, while upholding their international obligations. Thus, any attempt to introduce controversial and non-consensual notions of human rights would be counter-productive and further polarise the international community, with negative consequences for the human rights course. It was therefore imperative to continue multilateral efforts devoid of politicisation and with respect for the sovereign equality of nations.


  Unilateral coercive measures violated the rights of nations and of populations, including their right to development, and went against their well-being. The right to development should be achieved through international cooperation, reducing poverty, and eliminating inequalities within and among countries. Unilateral coercive measures or economic sanctions had led to serious healthcare concerns because of the ban on banking transactions and international trade. A huge body of literature confirmed that sanctions harmed vulnerable populations, including patients in general and cancer patients in particular. All United Nations Member States should stop supporting illegal unilateral coercive measures, which were imposed on countries beyond the authority of the United Nations and the rule of law. The Special Procedures mandate holders should speak out for the rights of patients who suffered from unilateral coercive measures in joint statements.


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