联合国经社理事会可持续发展高级别政治论坛边会:“共建地球论坛”在北京成功举办会议现场一角 (Beijing, July 17th, Beijing Time) Today, under the guidance of the International Patriotic Pact Organization (IPPO), the Win-Win Earth Forum, jointly organized by the Shaanxi Patriotic Volunteer Association and the Xi'an Silk Road STI Industry Association, was successfully held in Beijing. As a Beijing side event of the 2024 UN ECOSOC High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, the forum centered on the theme of "Building a Shared Global Village: Exploring New Pathways for Sustainable Development and Global Governance." Through a combination of offline and online means, it brought together experts, scholars, representatives of non-governmental organizations, and initiators of IPPO from across the globe, who contributed their wisdom and strength to promoting global governance and sustainable development. 论坛于当日16:00准时开幕,由西安交通大学学生续梦圆担任主持。陕西省爱国主义志愿者协会会长崔国卫致开幕词,他回顾了协会在联合国会议上提出的“热爱自己的国家,不能损害他国利益”的国际爱国理念,并强调这一理念已在全球范围内获得广泛认同与支持。崔国卫表示,本次论坛旨在深化国际社会对国际爱国理念的理解,促进各国在可持续发展与全球治理领域的合作,携手构建和平、繁荣、可持续的地球村。 易波教授现场发言 The forum's agenda was compact and rich, covering various critical topics. Associate Professor Yi Bo from the School of Law, Southeast University, delivered a speech on "Deepening International Cooperation Mechanisms Amid Global Challenges," urging countries to strengthen cooperation to jointly address global challenges such as climate change and terrorism. Li Tianwen, Director of the Lei Feng Fund Management Committee of the China Social Welfare Foundation, shared vivid cases about the inheritance and innovation of the Lei Feng spirit in the context of globalization and its practical support for the international patriotic concept. Adéyemí Oludele Ayeni(尼日利亚·Gems Heart one Love基金会) Representatives from Nigeria's Gems Heart one Love Foundation, Adéyemí Oludele Ayeni, and Kenya's Volunteer Network, Esther Njanbi MUTUTURAI, participated in the forum via video link, sharing their insights on "The Paradigm Shift from Nationalism to Patriotism" and "The International Patriotic Concept and the Construction of a New International Order," respectively, and highly praising the critical role of the international patriotic concept in promoting international cooperation and development. 王毅在线参会 In addition, the forum attracted the participation of many renowned scholars from home and abroad. Wang Yi, President of Beijing Tuowei Research Institute; Liu Dian, Associate Researcher at the China Institute of Fudan University; Ma Cheng, Executive Director of the Human Rights Training Center at Northwest University of Political Science and Law; Sun Shaoyong, Professor at the School of Marxism, Northwestern Polytechnical University; and Chen Yufu, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the China Red Culture Party Building Network, conducted in-depth discussions on topics such as global governance and equity, international patriotism case studies, artificial intelligence, and the new international order, providing a rich intellectual feast for attendees. 马成教授现场发言 孙绍勇教授线上发言 Li Xiaolong, Secretary-General of the Xi'an Silk Road STI Industry Association, delivered a keynote speech titled "International Patriotic Action Initiative: Long-term Review Mechanism and Global Development," proposing an innovative idea of establishing a long-term review mechanism to oversee countries' development activities and ensure the implementation of the international patriotic concept. This proposal sparked significant interest and heated discussions among the participating delegates. Lucy mumbi shahenza(肯尼亚·Addisoon国际公司) Byaruhanga Crispus(乌干达·慕南西绿色倡议组织) 随着18:00的到来,论坛圆满落下帷幕。与会代表纷纷表示,本次论坛不仅加深了他们对国际爱国理念的理解,更为推动全球治理体系改革和可持续发展提供了宝贵的思路和路径。他们期待未来能有更多类似的交流与合作机会,共同为构建和平、繁荣、可持续的地球村贡献力量。 本次论坛的成功举办,不仅展示了中国社会组织在推动全球治理与可持续发展方面的积极贡献,也为国际社会注入了新的动力。陕西省爱国主义志愿者协会与西安市丝路创客科技产业协会将继续发挥桥梁和纽带作用,推动国际爱国理念的深入传播与实践,为构建人类命运共同体贡献力量.(文:李仕汇 截图:王俊占) |