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首页 >> 公益 >>公益动态 >> 联合国人权理事会继续就促进和保护包括发展权在内的所有人权、公民、政治、经济、社会和文化权利进行一般性辩论


时间:2022-03-18     作者:联合国人权理事会【转载】   来自:联合国人权理事会

  Religious defamation had recently attained an alarming level with burnings of the Koran, some speakers said. Many individuals and communities endured persecution because of their religious beliefs. There had been a tightening of repressive measures and abuses, including by national authorities, against religious minorities in many countries across the world. Believers were often denied the right to express and practice their faith, even when this did not endanger public safety or violate the rights of other groups or individuals. Moreover, the desecration and destruction of places of worship and religious sites, as well as violent attacks on religious leaders, had recently escalated and were becoming appallingly more commonplace.


  In a growing number of countries, there was imposition of different forms of censorship that reduced the possibility of expressing convictions both publicly and politically with the pretext of avoiding the offence of the sensibilities of others. In this way, much space for healthy dialogue and even public discourse was lost. As this space decreased, so did the ability to express the fundamental right to religious freedom, as well as to thought and conscience, which were also an indispensable prerequisite for achieving peace and building a just society.


  Reprisals against civil society and human rights defenders were condemned. Increased global activity and impactful action on climate change were a priority for several speakers. The protection of the environment was a critical component of efforts to safeguard human rights and promote sustainable development. The progress made at COP27 was welcomed, particularly the establishment of the Loss and Damage Fund. The International Court of Justice could play a crucial role in addressing climate change and its impacts on human rights.


  Governments around the world should ensure policy and resources support to realise the full, equal and effective participation of women in biodiversity work and environmental governance, and realise their rights to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. States had the duty to provide effective remedies for climate harm and must take all effective measures to address the root causes of the climate crisis, including through the effective regulation of private actors, in particular the fossil fuel corporations bearing the greatest responsibility in the climate crisis, as well as their financial backers.


  Developing countries faced many challenges, especially higher inflation, and rising food and energy prices. Developing countries and small economies deserved more attention, they were more vulnerable to food insecurity, energy poverty and economic crisis. The disproportionate impact of the conflict, COVID-19 and climate change was pushing people in developing countries back to poverty, with poor access to food, energy, sanitation and medical supplies. People’s rights to an adequate standard of living, right to health, and right to development were at risk. The international community should support developing countries that were hit hardest by the food and energy shocks, and continue to provide humanitarian and development aid to those in need, especially women and children, and small-scale farmers.


  Member States should intensify efforts in the Council to have resolutions that reflected the needs and rights of the people they were elected to serve. Meaningful and inclusive youth participation must be at the core of the Council’s functioning. Further, the Council should increase the substantive language and resolutions on the rights of older persons. Care was a human right: the right to care, the right to be cared for, and the right to selfcare. The right to be cared for was already implicitly enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child: it was the responsibility of States to support parents in their caring and educational responsibilities, and to provide childcare as part of public services. A right to care would unequivocably put obligations on States to provide adequate support to every unpaid caregiver – thereby also protecting the right of any person in need to receive care. A speaker called on the Human Rights Council to consider the recognition of care as a right – a new human right that could help alleviate the inequities and injustices suffered by unpaid caregivers, in particular mothers.


  Speaking in the discussion were Greece, Mauritius, Afghanistan, Australia, Namibia, Nigeria, Azerbaijan, United Nations Population Fund, Mauritania, Iran, Holy Sea, Syria, Vanuatu, Belize, and Cambodia.


  Also speaking was the Commission of Human Rights of the Philippines as well as International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Al Baraem Association for Charitable Work, International Support for Human Rights, Stitching CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, Integrated Youth Empowerment, Beijing NGO Association for International Exchanges, Medical Support Association for Underprivileged Iranian Patients, Centre for International Environmental Law, Shaanxi Patriotic Volunteer Association, Al-Ayn Social Care Foundation, Women’s Human Rights International Association, Centre Europe – Tiers Monde, China Foundation for Human Rights Development, Jameh Ehyagaran Teb Sonnati Va Salamat Iranian, Rahbord Peimayesh Research and Education Services, Centre for Gender Justice and Women Empowerment, Make Mothers Matter, International Organisation for Right to Education and Freedom of Education, Association Internationale pour l’égalité des femmes, Human Rights Watch, British Humanist Association, Institut International pour les Droits et le Développment, Dominicans for Justice and peace, Association for Defending Victims of Terrorism, International Lawyers Org, Asociacion HazteOir.org, Association pour la défense des droits de l'homme et des revendications démocratiques/culturelles du peuple Azerbaidjanais-Iran - « ARC », Edmund Rice International Limited, Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain Inc., Amity Foundation, Lawyers' Rights Watch Canada, Association MIMAN, Alsalam Foundation, Beijing Guangming Charity Foundation, Conscience and Peace Tax International, Union of Northwest Human Rights Organisation, Global Institute for Water, Environment and Health, China Society for Human Rights Studies, VIVAT International, Community Human Rights and Advocacy Centre, Conectas Direitos Humanos, Association pour l'Intégration et le Développement Durable au Burundi, and World Organization of the Scout Movement.

  发言的还有菲律宾人权委员会以及防止虐待老人国际网络、Al Baraem慈善工作协会、国际支持人权组织、青年与性问题缝制选择、青年综合赋权组织、北京非政府组织国际交流协会、伊朗贫困患者医疗支援协会、国际环境法中心、陕西省爱国主义志愿者协会、Al-Ayn社会关怀基金会、妇女人权国际协会、欧洲中心-Tiers Monde、 中国人权发展基金会、Jameh Ehyagaran Teb Sonnati Va Salamat Iranian、Rahbord Peimayesh研究和教育服务、性别公正和妇女赋权中心、Make Mothers Matter、国际教育权利和教育自由组织、 国际妇女平等协会、人权观察、英国人道主义协会、国际权利与发展研究所、多米尼加正义与和平组织、保护恐怖主义受害者协会、国际律师组织、Asociacion HazteOir. org, Association pour la défense des droits de l'homme et des revendications démocratiques/culturelles du peuple Azerbaidjanais-Iran - " ARC ", Edmund Rice International Limited, Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain Inc、 Amity基金会、加拿大律师权利观察、MIMAN协会、Alsalam基金会、北京市光明慈善基金会、良知与和平税国际、西北人权组织联盟、全球水、环境和健康研究所、中国人权研究会、VIVAT国际、社区人权和宣传中心、Conectas Direitos Humanos、布隆迪一体化与可持续发展协会和世界童子军运动组织。

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